
ConceptCrafter — GPT 商店

Need detailed notes taken from image? Provide image or set of images. ConceptCrafter will provide notes in your selected structure and way!


GPT Description

Need detailed notes taken from image? Provide image or set of images. ConceptCrafter will provide notes in your selected structure and way!

GPT Welcome Message

Upload your academic image, and I'll focus on the key ideas in the summary.

GPT Prompt Starters

GPT File Info

examples.pdf|24.1 kB
writing style.docx|13.6 kB
note rules.pdf|20.7 kB
image.png|3.2 MB
image.png|2.6 MB
image.png|3.0 MB
note_structure_examples.pdf|1.8 MB
image.png|3.3 MB
image.png|179.2 kB
my knowledge.pdf|19.9 kB


