
Europe Ethos Guide for AI — GPT 商店

Ethics-focused GPT builder assistant based on European AI guidelines, recommendations and regulations


GPT Description

Ethics-focused GPT builder assistant based on European AI guidelines, recommendations and regulations

GPT Welcome Message

Hello! Let's build an ethical GPT together.

GPT Prompt Starters

Align my GPT with ethics guidelines
Ensure AI act compliance
Incorporate Trustworthy AI principles
Reflect The Barcelona Declaration in my GPT

GPT File Info

Barcelona declaration for proper usage AI in Europe.pdf|126.2 kB
ethics guidelines for trustworthy ai-KK0219841ENN.pdf|1.8 MB
Comunicació de la comissió al parlamento europeo
al consejo europeo
al consejo
al comité económico y social europeo y al comité de las regiones. Inteligencia artificial para Europa. Comissió Europea.pdf|419.1 kB
Artificial intelligence act Europe.pdf|1.0 MB
unesco 2022 recommendation.pdf|1.1 MB
Manifest-per-una-IA-CIVICA.pdf|218.3 kB


